Saturday, July 28, 2012


On Monday, July 21st Irene had a new MRI and CT scan.  We met with Dr. Homsi on Tuesday, and he informed us that the results of the scans indicate no discernible change and no definite evidence of local recurrence of the cancer.  The good news is the one chemo drug she is taking appears to be working.  Therefore, Dr. Homsi recommended that we continue the chemotherapy for at least two more sessions.  He sent her upstairs to the infusion center, and she spent the rest of the day receiving the chemo through an IV.  She spent three hours the next day receiving anti nausea drugs and IV fluids.  We know the routine pretty well, and the people who are caring for her are wonderful.  It appears to me from what I hear that she is their favorite patient.

Irene has been feeling good, and we are able to control the swelling in her leg with the wrapping at night and the constriction stocking during the day.  We spent two weeks in Utah, which was almost as hot at Arizona on a few days.  We enjoyed visiting with our family and friends and appreciate their hospitality.  Highlights were visiting with the Bob and Nadine Woodhead family and the Scott and Sydne Parker family.  We also joined a few of our old Bear River High School classmates and played golf in the 50th Annual Fielding Open at Wolf Creek in Eden, Utah.  We enjoyed the Mormon Tabernacle Choir with Katherine Jenkins at the Pioneer Concert in the Conference Center.  We also enjoyed a session in the Draper Temple.

On the way home we stopped at Cove Fort and had a great visit with Merle and Carol Allen who are serving as missionaries at the Fort.  The Allens served with us in Hong Kong, and we loved hearing their experiences and testimonies.

We are so grateful for your faith and prayers and feel that Irene’s continued progress is a direct result of those petitions and Heavenly Father’s blessings.  We offer our prayers for many who suffer from cancer and from other health and difficult situations.  We continue to move forward knowing that we are in the Lord’s hands.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like good news, Irene! So happy for you. Haven't looked at your blog for a few busy with summer things, but I think of you often and you are always in our prayers. Wish we could have seen you when you were in S.L., but I know how precious your time is. Next time if you have a minute, give me a call! Your new grand-baby is precious. We have one also born on that special date, April 6, but he turned 4 this year. We are expecting our 35th in Jan....excited about that, but this one will be in Michigan where our youngest son is in residency. Hope he will get back here someday.
    Know that our prayers are with you, Irene!
    Love, Tamara
