Thursday, February 16, 2012


We are so excited to have our first next generation missionary.  Steve and Dana’s, Jason, who is a freshman at BYU received his mission call one week ago.  We were all gathered around the laptop at Steve and Dana’s with him in Provo at his dorm.  It was a perfect picture and almost as good as having him there.  When he opened the call, he read every word including the addresses until he got to the actual call – no looking ahead.  He will be serving in the Mexico Tampico Mission which is on the coast on the Gulf of Mexico side.  It is a city with lots of members and a temple.  Needless to say, we are all thrilled.  Dana is especially happy that he will be learning Spanish.  Jason turns 19 on May 26th and will report to the MTC on June 13. 

He arrives here this evening for the weekend, and tomorrow evening he will be going to the temple for the first time.  I am so happy to feel well enough to go, as I have not been to the Mesa Temple since I started my chemo treatments.  I am really looking forward to being there with our family.

Two weeks down the road now from my last treatment, I am feeling a little better and stronger each day.  I did not have much nausea at all this time – just threw up a few random times, but that is behind me.  We have been walking around our circle in hopes of building up my strength and stamina. 

My next treatment will be here in Mesa on February 29, then I may not have any more treatments for a while.  We continue to be so grateful for many who tell us they are still praying for me.


  1. We are so pleased to read that you are doing so well. We added your name to the temple prayer roll at the Manti Temple. We pray for you always. Thank you for sharing your journey through this trial. It strengthens us.
    Perry and Carolyn Christensen

  2. Hi Irene, that is so wonderful about your grandson. I remember when Michael opened his call, and Mitch will be opening his later this year. So glad to hear you are doing so well!! Love, Marie

  3. What great news!! Congratulations on your new missionary and I'm so glad you will be able to attend the temple. Enjoy tomorrow. When does he leave?

