Sunday, March 18, 2012


I haven’t written for a while, because there is not a lot to write about.  After four treatments, we have pretty much settled into a routine.  The IV treatments for anti-nausea following chemo have worked well, and I had very little nausea this time around.  For a week and a half, I am very weak with just enough ambition to read, watch TV and nap.  That gets old pretty fast even though it sounds like a dream for those of you who are on the run every minute of the day.  Then my strength gradually comes back.  What a great feeling to do some work around the house, cook a decent meal, do the laundry and get out and do a few things. 

This past week many of our family have been out of town for Spring Break, but we were able to have Emily (11) and Andrew (9) Garry for a few days.  We made donuts (the easy way), watched movies, BYU basketball, grocery shopped, went to the park and had a pizza/hot tub evening with the addition of Kevin, Tara and family.  We are happy to have almost everyone back in town safely after skiing in Utah.  Dana and Amy have been in Costa Rica with the high school Spanish Club.  They have had a great adventure. 

My oldest brother, Byron, who will turn 90 in June, kept a detailed journal of his 30 missions in WW II as a bombardier.  I am working on getting that into a hard-bound book using  It is well-written and very fascinating.  I am amazed anyone came through that ordeal alive.  My plan is to have it finished for his birthday, so I am spending a lot of time on that project. 

On Monday, we are driving to St. George, Utah, to visit Jean (my sister) and Evan.  Daryl will also be playing a little golf with friends, and we plan to attend the temple.  After chemo, I need to build my immune system back up along with my strength to be able to attend the temple.  It is always a good feeling and a privilege to be back. 

I will have an MRI and a CT scan on March 27th and am scheduled for my 5th chemotherapy treatment on the following day.  Hopefully, I will have a break after that.

I will have to say, however, that every day I am so grateful to be walking and to be feeling as well as I do.  I feel so very blessed.  

One more tidbit--I have been happy not to have lost my eyelashes, but they are getting thinner every day.  Well, no more mascara to put on and have run!


  1. So glad to hear that you are feeling well. We just got back from San Diego to attend the sealing for Melody's daughter and got to see Brad and Laura and their family. Oh my, have they all grown. Brad and Laura still look young as ever but those kids have all grown up!! It was such a delight to get to visit with them, brief as it seemed.
    Hope you have a great time in St. George.

  2. Such a blessing to us to be inspired by your wonderful attitude! I have Erika and Nathan in my Sunday School class. They are amazing. What a blessing to be able to teach such stalwart youth. That class is a joy. They are so good!

  3. We pray you will be strong this week and endure it well. Hope you had a great time in St. George.
