Thursday, December 22, 2011


Irene had a better than usual night after the chemotherapy in that she did not have to get up as often in the night due to the pain in her leg.  However, she was pretty wiped out most of Wednesday.  Even with all of the anti nausea medication, she was very nauseated (she only threw up once), but had the pan by her side most of the day.

Her description was that she felt like a “wet noodle” in that she felt that she had very little strength to move around and was a little shaky.  Mostly she was from the bed to the recliner and back to the bed.  She did feel good enough to keep an appointment at Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center to receive an injection to assist the blood cells in their recovery from the chemotherapy.

She ate a small amount of Cream of Wheat a couple of times during the day.  Our neighbors, John and Verna Perkinson, called and offered to bring her anything that sounded good for her dinner.  They fulfilled her request for soda crackers and Sprite.  She managed to eat about three crackers and half a glass of Sprite.

Today has had us most concerned with the pain in her leg.  She was up several times with severe pain during the night which has persisted throughout the day.  The doctors have increased the dosage of one pain medication and a new prescription for another, but management of the pain is still a problem.  This has been a major concern for me because she usually tolerates pain much better than most.

The nausea has not been as bad today and we are hopeful that the worst nausea is behind us.  Her meals again today have consisted of Cream of Wheat, toast, crackers and Sprite.  Some of our family members and a few close friends have stopped by to drop off Christmas gifts and visit for a few minutes, and Irene has really enjoyed and appreciates the kindness of our family and good friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Irene,
    Wish I could be there to visit ya'! However, you inspired me to give my first talk in over 15 years, in church, last Sunday. Try not to inspire me anymore, though, because I really don't like giving talks...I get so nervous and stressed out about them and my voice was all shaky and I secretly hoped it stunk so my Bishop would never ask me again.
    I talked about courage and this poem I found. I'll post the poem at the end....
    You are in our thoughts and prayers and I hope you have a great Christmas!!

    May today there be peace within.
    May you trust God that
    you are exactly where you are
    meant to be.
    May you not forget the infinite
    possibilities that are born of faith.
    May you use those gifts that
    you have received,
    and pass on the love that has
    been given to you.
    May you be content knowing
    you are a child of God.
    Let his presence settle into
    your bones and allow
    your soul the freedom to sing,
