Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Today was my last day for appointments at MD Anderson.  If we have learned one thing it is that the wait is always going to be long.  The routine seems to be to fill out papers in each new department, (wait) have blood pressure, weight, vitals etc., (wait) visit with the nurse, (wait) visit with the PA, (wait) then see the physician.  The good news is that they are all very impressive and efficient, and once you get with the doctor, he gives you his undivided and unhurried attention to educate, evaluate, and meet your needs.  We appreciate the price that doctors have paid to gain their amazing knowledge and the desire they have to help those in need.  MD Anderson is literally a metropolis of activity with everything aimed at eliminating cancer.
Today’s tests were an EKG and other heart images needed prior to having chemotherapy.  That along with some new prescriptions took a good part of the day.
We have reservations to return home to Mesa on Thursday, leaving here at 1:30 p.m.  We could not get a flight tomorrow, so we will take that opportunity to go to the Houston Temple and enjoy our last day together in Houston.
Even though the future is uncertain, we will ”. . . live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon us.”   Alma 34:38   The dramatic turn of events is still almost incomprehensible to us.
I was pretty much prepared to spend Christmas in the hospital, but “I’ll be Home for Christmas,” has a great ring to me now.  Our love and appreciation for our Savior and the hope gained from His life and atonement will be present with us this Christmas perhaps more than ever before.

Posted by Irene


  1. You inspire me...I really mean that! :) I can't wait until you can run away to Park City, again, and visit with us!

  2. from jerry & karen - we just found the blog, this is such great news! your faith in our savior is a great example to us. you and your family are always in our prayers! we love you!

  3. I just found out about your blog and I haven't had time to read everything, but I have read enough to kind of know what is going on. I am so glad that you have found doctors who are helping you and in whom you have trust and respect. I am also glad that you get to go home for Christmas! Much love to you at this time!
