Friday, December 30, 2011


Irene was in the hospital from Monday night, December 26, until Thursday afternoon, December 29.  Her elevated temperature, it was determined, was a result of the chemotherapy killing both good and bad cells rather than an infection.  By Wednesday her white blood cell count was more normal, but her red blood cell count was very low, so they gave her two units of blood which took almost four hours.

As expected, she was hooked to an IV line with some type of fluids and medication dripping throughout her stay.  Even with the nausea medication, she threw up every day but is not feeling nauseated all the time for which she is most grateful.  The pain and swelling in her leg is about the same.

Her three days in the hospital felt like six due to the the loving interruptions of the nurses throughout the night.  One of the nurses would write on a white board what day it was, the names of all who would be attending her and would set some goals with her.  The main goals were to control the pain, control her temperature and control the nausea.  I am sure they all thought she was one of the nicest and best patients they had ever served.

She is very happy to be home and is looking forward to celebrating the New Year quietly at home.  She is feeling somewhat better, but still throws up occasionally.  We have her medications all listed on a chart, and it takes both of us to make sure she gets the right medications at the right time.

Some have asked if she is up to visitors.  We have been advised that she needs to be extremely careful about being exposed to an illness of any kind, and that should her temperature reach 100.5 we are to return to Emergency immediately.   We are so very appreciative of your desires to help and for your expressions of love and concern.  Being more connected with each of you is one of the positive things to come from this. 


Posted by Daryl


  1. Thank you Daryl for keeping us informed. What a strength and comfort you are to Irene. I pray this new year brings relief, peace, and the continued strength to face whatever comes. Happy New Year.

  2. Happy New Year to both of you! Our prayers are with you. We learn much from your faith and strength.

  3. We love you, Daryl and Irene. Thank you for your continual examples of faith. Would frozen yogurt sound good to Irene? If so, let us know. We won't come by but could easily drop it off to Gayla or Dana. Our prayers are with you. Nanci and John

  4. So glad you are home! Byron said you looked wonderful yesterday. We hope it continues each day. See you soon.

  5. We are following your progress and keeping you in our prayers. Much love, the Castletons
