Thursday, December 8, 2011


We just spoke with Dr. Lewis on the phone, and she presented the following plan after having a conference with other cancer specialists.  They are recommending a vigorous chemotherapy treatment for the metastasis to the lungs.  She will inform us tomorrow which specialist we will see here on Monday to outline the treatment plan and hopefully to begin the chemotherapy.  She is hopeful that a specialist in the Phoenix area can be identified to administer the treatment there.  She estimates about four months of treatment and  expects that this will not only kill the cancer cells in the lungs, but will also help relieve some of the pain and swelling in Irene's leg.  She expects that surgery on Irene's leg will still be necessary after the chemotherapy.  Our pre-op appointments for tomorrow have been cancelled.  We will hear from Dr. Lewis again tomorrow with more details regarding Monday's appointment.  We may be home by the middle of next week.

Posted by Daryl and Irene


  1. What an incredible blessing that you are in such good hands (earthly hands and heavenly ones). Chemo has improved SO much. And you'll be home for Christmas. Hooray! We pray for you everyday. You have always been our heroes, and now even more so! We love you! John and Nanci

  2. P.S. Would sure like to run by and see you for 5 minutes when you get back -- only if you're up to it. I'll check back after you are settled into the chemo and know how it will affect you!

  3. Our prayers are continually with you and your family. We know the Lord is aware and loves you both.

  4. As one of the many couples who loved serving with you in Hong Kong, we want you to know that you're in our thoughts and prayers for a successful recovery. We love you!
    Spencer and Jane Jones
