Thursday, January 12, 2012


Well, what can I say but how blessed I have felt all day today.  I woke up wondering if I would be nauseated, and it never happened.  As we visited with the Dr. Homsi before my treatment yesterday, he said he was cutting the dose of chemo a little because of the reactions I had last time such as a lot of nausea and ending up in the hospital because of my blood counts and the need for transfusions.  He said that does not usually happen until the third or fourth round.  He was also very pleased with the improvement of my leg in the area of the tumor.  I have seen that change myself and am so grateful for it.

My chemo treatment actually began right at noon yesterday and finished at 3:00 p.m., so it was also shorter than they had told us.  We went this afternoon for the day after chemo heart protection injection which went just fine.  It is always good to get out a little. 

We hope that all of you who are struggling with problems are feeling your prayers answered and the love of the Lord.  We so appreciate the mentions from many of you that you are putting my name on your temple prayer roll.  That has to be one of the most sacred and greatest blessings of the temple. 

We have also had some wonderful reports of the new and changed artwork throughout the temple.  We are very anxious to see all that has transpired..  What a blessing it is to have such a historical temple right in our midst.  


  1. Thanks for keeping the blog. We send our love and blessings to you and your family. Chicago temple has your name as well. So glad it was a little easier this time. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Much love. Paul and Ann

  2. We love you! You are such a strong example of the power of faith! We so appreciate you sharing your personal experiences and blessings with all of us. Kung Hei Fat Choi! Besos y abrazos! Love, Tonya, Chuck and Abby
