Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Yesterday, I was scheduled to have a PICC line placed, and unlike three weeks ago, it was successful.  The experience could not have been more different, as before, one technician was working on the procedure for almost three hours.  This time, I was in the hospital, with a physician and three nurses plus x-ray and ultrasound equipment.  We had to wait a long time, but the actual procedure was completed in about an hour. 

We came home, and I called to confirm my chemotherapy appointment for today only to find out that it was not scheduled.  They were full for today, so I had a bonus day to feel good before I start in tomorrow at 9:30 a.m.  They said it will take about 4 1/2 hours.  I am very curious to see if it will be the same as last time, easier or harder.  Maybe we have learned some things that will help.

I am having much less pain in my leg for which I am most grateful.  Daryl has kept after the wrapping, and the swelling has gone down dramatically, so we are seeing progress.  I even had enough energy to help with the Saturday's work.  We know who does the most and does it so well!


  1. Dear Sister Garn, I hope you will forgive me. I have been reading your family blog. I have read the entire thing and feel so grateful to learn from you about endurance and grace. I am a worker in the Mesa Temple and today as I entered I saw the result of something that you mentioned would happen. The Temple has been enriched with many new and wonderful paintings and as I remember your influence is a factor in this event. I hope that you are confident that you have added so much beauty where you have been. Even the word you pen regarding your trials reflects the beauty and grace with which you are enduring your trials. Thank you so much for your example and I am hoping a much less painful recovery. I remember Elder LeGrand Richards saying after an amputation that he was glad if the Lord had to take him one piece at a time that He started at the bottom. Continued good luck my prayers are with you and Brother Garn. Love, Susan fuller

  2. Irene, I love the wig! Of course, you look stunning in everything you wear! I am glad that the swelling in your leg has diminished. Your spirit continues to inspire us all. Good luck with the chemotherapy. Thanks again for keeping us informed through your blog. Love you!

  3. Hi Irene, I love the wig too. It looks fantastic. It is a nice option for women. We are lucky. So glad to hear your pain has diminished in your leg. You are in our prayers. Thank you for you words of faith and acknowledgement of where our strength and blessings come from. Thank you for keeping us informed through your blog. What a blessing it is to communicate with so many in one sitting. But also know that we are thinking of you and would love to sit and talk. It would be fun to sit and play a game or read a book with you. Too bad we don't live closer. Love you. Nadine
